Max Liberman

Credits for images appearing on the home page of

Coat of arms
Max Liberman’s personal arms. Image by Max Liberman. All rights reserved.
Arabic text
Detail of Al-ʻIqd al-Thamīn fī Dawāwīn al-Shuʻarāʼ al-Thalātha al-Jāhilīyīn (Beirut, 1886) via the Internet Archive. Public domain.
Collection of flags
Photograph by Max Liberman. All rights reserved.
Ancient Roman mosaic
Detail of mosaic depicting Vergil and the muses Clio and Melpomene (3rd century). Photograph by Effi Schweizer via Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.
Laptop computer
Image by Max Liberman; derived in part from image by Pelehti via Wikimedia Commons. All rights reserved.
Stack of documents
Detail of photograph from Kindel Media via Pexels. Reproduced by permission.