Latīna Lingua
Salvē, lector lectrīxve! Mihī nōmen est Mārcus Lūcīlius Lānātus (Anglicē Max Liberman), ac linguae Latīnae aliquot annōs studeō. Hīs pāginīs quaedam sunt invenienda quae Latīnē scrīpsī vel dē ipsā linguā.
Salvē, lector lectrīxve! Mihī nōmen est Mārcus Lūcīlius Lānātus (Anglicē Max Liberman), ac linguae Latīnae aliquot annōs studeō. Hīs pāginīs quaedam sunt invenienda quae Latīnē scrīpsī vel dē ipsā linguā.
Welcome, reader! I have studied Latin for some years, and in that language go by the name Marcus Lucilius Lanatus. These pages contain some of my writing in, and about, Latin.